Apart from the brakes it is the tires of your Audi that you should care about more before you decide to take it on a long trip. Often car owners do not pay much heed to the tires and they go on driving with the tires that have perhaps taken much toll already. This negligence can cost you dearly and that is perhaps the reason why you should be taking a close look at the tires. There are always some signs of wear and tear that is hard to ignore. If you are unsure you can always take the car at the Greensboro Auto repair body shop for the technicians to have a look.
What are the trouble signs?
Following are the trouble signs that should catch the eye:
- Not enough tread depth- The treads are responsible for maintaining the friction with the road. It prevents the car from slipping on water or snow. If you notice that there is not enough tread then it might be a good idea to replace the tires.
- Presence of too many cracks- Worn out tire will start showing plenty of cracks all around. They start small on the side walls which seem to increase when one drives it more. With driving and time the small cracks gets stretched and begins spreading across the tires. As the tracks deepen it can rip out the tires at some point. Before that happens it is easy to get them replaced.
- Repeated punctures- Notice whether the frequency of punctures have increased. If they have then the tires must have worn out. When the tires get old the rubber tread starts to wear out. This gives easy passage to sharp objects that puts a dent in the tires. Frequent punctures are a sign that is time for tire replacement.
It is always better to spend on new tires than to face trouble due to them. If the car is damaged due to faulty tires then you would have to pay a lot on Audi repair. Better avoid the huge expenses by starting out with small changes.
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